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About Confoozd

We’re keeping the confoozion out of everything, leaving you with no worries.

We're Confoozd.

And that also probably sums up how you’re feeling right now.

We’re a South Wales based production company, with a focus on promoting and managing live events as well as producing lots of community-centred projects that allow everyone to have a go at what they enjoy doing best.

It’s all in good nature, and we’re more than happy to work with youth groups, schools and other brands to make new experiences possible to people in the communities in which we work in.
Who's behind the Confoozion?

There’s a small team of us working on some small-scale music events targeted towards the Swansea Valleys at the moment. Keep watching this space to learn more soon.


Based in the Swansea Valleys. Managing a range of the services that Confoozd provides.


Director (Live Events)
Based in the Swansea Valleys. Assisting with the operation of live events & on-the-day ticketing.


Publicity & Marketing
Based in the Swansea Valleys. Managing social media & publicity for Confoozd.

*Please direct any general communications to our primary email inbox for a faster response, you can contact us here: